Beautiful Bible Verse:

And The Angel said unto them,

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

Luke 2:10 (KJV Bible)


Today as we remember and also celebrate the birth of The Lord Jesus in the earth,

Please note that this is also a celebration of your good news.


Your good news that will bring you great joy has come.


Just like The Word became flesh and dwelt among the people,

That which you prayed and believed for has physically manifested and is with you.


The Lord Jesus came to save,

Know that The Lord Jesus, The Saviour, has saved you from the enemy.


Sometimes the answers of God may not look like answers to you.

God answers not just for today but for the future.


When God answers, He gives something that is best for you.

When God answers, He does what is the best for you.

Only God knows what is the best for you because only God knows what the future of anything or anyone would be.


When God sent The Lord Jesus to this earth as eternal sacrifice,

The people did not know that they needed such eternal sacrifice,

They were hoping to continue with their regular animal sacrifice.

But God knew what is the best not just for today but for the future,

So He sent The Lord Jesus as the Lamb that would be the eternal sacrifice to bring total salvation for all.


God has answered your prayers,

It may not look like it now, but God has answered your prayers.


Your good news that will bring you great joy has come.

This is the good news that will not bring you sorrow in future.

This is the good news that will give you rest of mind always.


God is mindful of you,

God know what is the best for you.

Lift up your voice now and Give God thanks for answering your prayers and for always doing what is the best for you.


Say This Out Loud Many Times:

Thank you Father for sending The Lord Jesus to give me salvation and to give me The Beautiful Life.

Thank you Father for doing what is the best for me always.

Dear Lord Jesus, I celebrate you today and always. Thank you Lord Jesus for all that you have done for me.


Prophetic Blessing For You:

In the name of The Lord Jesus, I bless you: that which shall come to you, shall only bring you joy.

From today, you shall move only from great joy to great joy.



Declare this 21 Times, every one hour from morning till you go to bed at night.

In the name of The Lord Jesus, All through 2024, The Glory of God shall be seen in all aspects of my life.

From January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, I shall continually receive good news in my favour that will bring me great joy.

All through 2024, I shall move from great joy to great joy only.

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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