Beautiful Bible Verse:
I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.
John 17:22 (NIV Bible)
Did you know that The Lord Jesus has given you His Glory?
Did you know that you are now a carrier of The Glory of The Lord Jesus?
Yes, The Lord Jesus has given you His Glory.
You are now carrying The Glory of The Lord Jesus.
Your life is now full of The Glory of The Lord Jesus.
Your mind is now opened by The Holy Spirit to understand and grasp this revelation.
This is not just any kind of glory.
This is a special kind of glory,
This is the glory of the begotten son of The Father.
This glory is full of grace and truth.
You are not and ordinary person and your life is not ordinary.
You now carry The Glory of The Lord Jesus.
Do you know what this means?
Let me just explain it a little bit, this means your life is now as glorious as The Life of The Lord Jesus.
This means that you are now as glorious as The Lord Jesus.
Say This Out Loud Many Times:
I carry The Glory of The Lord Jesus.
Prophetic Word For Today:
God is with you. I see glorious surprises.
About The Author – Prophet Cosmas Inyang
Prophet Cosmas Inyang, The President of The Beautiful Life Ministry is the author of The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional.
Prophet Cosmas Inyang is passionate about helping people grow, develop, live and enjoy the beautiful life to the full.
His Ministry spanning over 10 years continues to spread The Gospel of The Lord Jesus, Changing Lives globally.
The Ministry of Prophet Cosmas is characterized by the Revelation of The Word of God, Transformational Teachings, Prophecy, Power, Miracles, Healings and Glorious Manifestations.
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About The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional (TBLDD)
The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional shares Daily Inspiration and Bible Teachings for Transformation and to help people enjoy The Beautiful Life that The Lord Jesus has provided.
How to effectively use TBLDD
1. Set aside time to concentrate and read the day’s topic. We suggest that you read The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional in the morning when you wake up, in the afternoon, and at night before you go to bed.
2. Say out loud the declarations at the end of each day’s devotional.
3. Meditate on the Beautiful Verse of each day’s devotional.
4. Believe and receive the Prophetic declarations of each day’s devotional.
5. Practice the teachings of each day’s devotional.
Please Note that TBLDD is God’s Word to you every day and God’s Touch for miracles.