You are to read this Daily Devotional 3 times daily. (morning, afternoon and at night before you sleep)
Read out loud this Devotional Bible Verse 3 times.
And He said unto His disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.
Luke 12:22 (King James Bible)
The Lord Jesus has instructed us on the way we should live in this earth especially at this time.
The instruction is, “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.”
Concerning our provisions and sustenance, The Lord Jesus says to us, “Take no thought.”
This means do not think about it. It also means do not hold the thought about it or do not worry about it.
You are highly valuable to God.
You are His Greatly Beloved Child.
You are His responsibility and He is your Dependable Source.
He is your reliable supplier and there is a constant, consistent and continuous flow to you of provisions, sustenance and everything good that you can ever require or desire in this earth.
You are now in The Kingdom, you are now in Christ, the place where everything good is, and freely abundantly available unto you for your use and enjoyment.
Take no thought, for The Lord Jesus is thy Shepherd and you will always have, in abundance.
Take no thought, for you are different. You do not belong to the masses in the earth that are hopeless and suffering.
Take no thought, for you can never be a victim of the global economic crisis.
Take no thought, for you there is a lifting.
Take no thought, for you will always have financial abundance.
Take no thought, for The Holy Spirit is with you now and always.
Take no thought, for the blessing that maketh rich is at work in you now and always.
Take no thought for the mark of Christ and the name of The Lord Jesus is upon you.
Beloved child of God, Take no thought, for The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus is yours and you are in The Kingdom right now. You belong there.
Take no thought, for all things are yours.
Thank you Father for being my source.
Thank you Lord Jesus for being my Shepherd.
Thank you Holy Spirit for helping me now and always.
You will always experience and enjoy great financial replenishing. As it is going out, more and more are automatically and instantly rushing in.
Say this out loud 3 times.
In the name of The Lord Jesus the month of March is a glorious month for me.
From March 1 to March 31, I shall enjoy the goodness of The Lord.
Only good things shall happen to me all through the month of March and always.
I shall receive good news only all through the month of March and always.
I shall have only good news in my favour all through the month of March and always.
Thank you Father for settling the month of March for me.