Beautiful Bible Verse:

For, behold the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.

Isaiah 60:1


It doesn’t matter what is going on in the world,

It doesn’t matter what is going on in the market place,

It doesn’t matter the state of the world’s economy,

It doesn’t matter who is in government,

Your experience and reality at all times, all circumstances and no matter the place, must always be different.


Light does not go off just because the darkness increased, neither does light go off just because darkness showed up.


But when darkness is prolonged then the light has to stay ON,


Therefore that which is powering THE LIGHT  to stay ON, has to continue powering THE LIGHT.


It is important for you to stay connected to God so that you can remain powered and so that your light can continue to shine.


It is important for you to engage in spiritual activities that make spiritual power available to power your SHINE.


Personal heart felt Prayer makes tremendous and dynamic power available.


The Bible says the entrance of The Word gives light,

The Word gains entrance not just by mere reading but by deep meditation on The Word.


In all these things, I would like you to stay very conscious of who you are (God’s greatly beloved child)  and the specific word in Isaiah 60:2 that  God has given us for this moment.


The Word does what The Word talks about,

Therefore meditating on Isaiah 60:2  will release to you what The Word says in Isaiah 60:2


My brothers and sisters please hearken to my voice,

It doesn’t matter what is going on in the world, government, economy, market place or work place,  you will always SHINE brighter and brighter and brighter because The Lord has arisen upon you and His Glory is continually and increasingly visible upon you and that which you do.



The Lord has arisen upon me and His glory is continually and increasingly visible upon me.

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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