Beautiful Bible Verse:

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 4:23 (Amplified Bible)


You have to be careful not to subscribe to words or information that can negatively affect your mind.

Do you remember that the famine of the land never affected Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

Do you remember that there was a time there was famine everywhere else, but in Goshen where Israel dwelt, all was fine?

The point I am trying to make is that there is always an exemption for The Children of God.


They may say that things will be difficult next year or next month,

But this is not for you.

You are exempted from economic hardship.

You will always have and enjoy financial abundance and favours.


They may say that things will be very difficult in the upcoming year,

But this is not for you.

The Bible says that the path of the just keeps shining brighter.

This means that it will only and always get better for you.


They may say, that businesses will go down,

But this is not for you.

In the time of intense famine, Isaac planted and harvested a hundred fold.

Despite the famine, the Bible says Isaac kept increasing and accumulating wealth and he became very great and very wealthy.

This means that, no matter the economy, you will always prosper and increase greatly.


They may say there would be a spread of disease.

But this is not for you.

The Bible says no plague shall come near you.

The Bible says, non of the diseases of this world will come near you.


Child of God, please listen to me,

No matter what negative thing they say will happen in the upcoming year,

It is not for you.

Please know that there is always an exemption for you.


I beseech you child of God to be careful what you listen to.

Some time ago, I heard a secular song and at night this song was playing in my mind and even the next day.

I had to intentionally talk myself out of it.

What happened was that I listened attentively to the song because of it’s melodious beats and my mind captured it and the song was now playing in my head.

Don’t pay attention to what you don’t want to see manifest in your life.


Please  know this, that no matter what happens in the earth, there will always be an exemption for you.

You will never be affected.

God is your source.

God is your light.

God is your glory.

God is your protector.


Say This Out Loud Many Times:

In this earth, I and my family are exempted from everything negative.


Prophetic Blessing For You:

In the name of The Lord Jesus, I bless you: No evil shall come near you and your family

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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