The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional


Author: Prophet Cosmas Inyang


Beautiful Bible Verse:

And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His Riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19 (Amplified Version)


A supplier is one that makes something needed or wanted available to someone.

Until it is available to you it has not been supplied to you.


Who is a reliable supplier?

I came across this definition from an Australian business website and it some how fits into what I have in mind:

Reliable suppliers deliver the right goods or services on time , as described. Large suppliers are usually reliable because they have enough resources and systems in place to make sure they can still deliver if anything goes wrong.


God is The Source and The Supplier.  He  has the systems and resources to get anything you need or want to you, wherever you are and at anytime no matter the circumstances.

Everything in existence is richly supplied by God.


You are God’s greatly beloved child and you are in Heaven’s list for Heaven’s consistent and continuous abundant supplies.


God does not fail in His supplies to His creations and creatures, He has never failed, He will never fail and He can never fail.

God is the unfailing supplier, He is the Reliable supplier.

He is the Ultimate Source.


The Almighty God is the ultimate source from which all beings and all things emanates.

The Almighty God is The Creator of the universe.

Every other thing or being in existence, that was, that is and that will ever be, comes from The Almighty God.

The Almighty God exceeds that which can ever be comprehended or conceived.

No mind is large enough to contain The Truth and The Reality of The Almighty God and His Power.

The Almighty God cannot be compared neither can His Greatness.

No human language can fully express The Almighty God.

No one can stand in the very  presence of The Almighty God.

He is God all by Himself, there was no other God,  there is no other God and there shall be no other God.


He is all power even as He is beyond all powers and any power.  He is beyond Power.

He is The Perfect Light, The Source and The Sustainer of all lights, even as He is beyond Light.

We try to call or express Him based on what our minds can take but the truth is, HE is more.

Put all your trust in God and love God with all your heart and strength, for our very existence is from God, Our very existence depends on God, and our very existence is sustained by God.

Out of  His love we came forth and out of His love, all things are abundantly provided for us.




God is my source and my reliable supplier.

I am receiving abundantly from God today and always.

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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