After these things have been done, the leaders came to me and said, “ The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites.

Ezra 9:1 (NIV Bible)


This is a call of The Spirit and a strong word for this time, for the children of God in the earth to separate themselves from the cultural and strange practices of this world. The Bible verse above calls it detestable practices.

You do not have to copy the world to gain acceptance.

Check your life, are there practices of the world that you have imbibed?

Check your words, are there talks, slangs or sayings of the world that is now part of your day to day communications?

Check the way you dress, are you dressing like a Child of God?

Check the music you listen to, does the songs glorify God?

Check the way you dance, have you copied the dance steps of the world? Does your dance steps glorify God?

Check very well, how is your character? Are you behaving like a child of God or are you now behaving like the people of the world?

Check the daily thoughts of your heart, are you thinking like a child of God or are you thinking like the world?

What do you watch on your phones or on TV? Does what you watch glorify God?

Did you not know that your eyes are the windows to your soul?

Check your relationships, what do you do when you gather with them? What do you say when you gather with them? What do you drink or eat when you gather with them?

This is a very important call, separate yourself from the world NOW.

Until you separate yourself completely from the world, you may not fully see the glorious manifestations of your destiny in Christ Jesus.

Always remember that you are not of the world. You belong to The Kingdom of God. You are different and you should maintain this all the time.

Please do not conform to the abominable practices of this world. You are a Child of God. You are different. You are a citizen of The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus. Always remember that in The Kingdom, we have our ways and our ways are completely different from the practices of this world.

The Holy Spirit will teach you and guide you further. God bless you greatly.



In the name of The Lord Jesus, Father please if I have indulged in any detestable practices of this world, Father please forgive me.

I repent now. I turn away from all those practices now. I cut off totally from all the worldly ways now.

I realign my life now with the ways of our Kingdom oh God.

Thank you Father for forgiving.

Dear Holy Spirit, please guide me to walk only in the ways of our Kingdom.

Dear Holy Spirit please teach me the ways of our Kingdom.

Dear Holy Spirit, please uphold me to walk daily in the ways of our Kingdom, no matter the opposition or pressure.

Dear Holy Spirit, please protect me from deceptions. Protect me and help me to discern what looks like Godly way but is not Godly way.

Thank you Holy Spirit.



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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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