The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional



Beautiful Bible Verse:

Now yield and submit yourself to Him. Agree with God and be conformed to His will AND BE AT PEACE; in this way you will prosper and great good will come to you.

Job 22:21 Amplified Version


Peace is freedom from worry.

Peace is the freedom from the feeling of disturbance.


Peace is a feeling and a state.

Peace is the frequency of manifestations.

Peace is the frequency of God.


Be vigilant to know when disturbance comes and to know that it is a weapon and a strategy to interrupt peace in order to stop manifestations.

Look at this definition of disturbance: disturbance is the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition.

When next disturbance comes, be wise and maintain peace.


God is in a state of peace and a vibration of peace.

What you desire is in a state of peace and in a vibration of peace,

The manifestation you desire is in a state of peace and in a vibration of peace.

To be at peace with God is to be in the same vibration with God and it is to be in the same vibration of the good that that you desire and that is why the Bible says in Job 22 verse 21 Acquaint yourself with God and be at peace with God and good shall flow to you, Good will come to you.



In the name of The Lord Jesus I AM AT PEACE.

I allow THE PEACE OF THE LORD JESUS in me to vibrate and be at the same PEACE VIBRATION OF GOD

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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