Beautiful Bible Verse:

(Read out loud 7 Times the Bible verse below and read it out loud again 7 Times  before you sleep at night.)

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible  with God.’’

Mark 10:27


What is it that had seemed so hard for you to accomplish, get, do or achieve?

What is it that they said can never happen?

What is it that seemed like it may never happen?

What is it that you are beginning to lose hope on?


The physical and logical facts may suggest it is impossible, But Not with God.

The reports may suggest it is impossible, But Not with God.

Your bank accounts may suggest it is impossible, But Not with God.


I have got good news for you, Everything is Possible with God.

Rejoice, with God everything is possible.



That which they said is not possible is now possible for me.

The Lord Jesus has settled all for me



In The Name of The Lord Jesus I bless you:

That which you desired, which seemed impossible or too big or has been taking too long to manifest, is now gloriously manifesting physically unto you.

Begin now to experience and enjoy total restoration.


*2024 is your year of Superabundance. Experience and Enjoy Superabundance in all aspects of your life.


Watch out:

Watch out for tomorrow’s edition of The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional. It is going to be very special.

Please note that you can also read previous editions by checking on the archive in the menu at the top.

God bless you greatly.


Help us Spread The Gospel:

Kindly share our daily devotional Every Day after you read it, to as many people as possible.

Read Isaiah 52:7 to see what God will do for you as you share our daily devotional to people everyday.

Let me specially pray for you for sharing our daily devotional now and always: in the name of The Lord Jesus, while you are still praying, the answers will manifest gloriously and physically for you to have, experience, enjoy and testify.



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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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