Beautiful Bible Verse:

See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and His glory appears over you.

Isaiah 60:2 (New International Version)


Do not worry about the rise of goods and services, for God is your source.

Do not worry about the reports of crime, for God is your protector.

Do not worry about the reports of the break out of diseases, for God is your shield and keeper.

Do not worry about the activities of enemies, for they can not stop you, they can not hurt you and they can not touch you, for God has prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies.

Do not worry about your future, for God has already planned and settled your future. Your future is very sweet and beautiful.

Do not worry about your health, for the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is inside your body and is vitalizing every cell and organ in your body. Your health is greatly improving by the day.

Do not worry about your finances, for God is your source and The Lord always supplies your financial needs according to His riches in glory.

Do not worry about the economy of where you reside, for you will always have more than enough money.

Do not worry about the inflation, for you will always increase faster and bigger that the rate of any inflation.

Do not worry about your family, God has settled it.

Do not worry about your work, God has blessed it.

Do not worry about your promotion, for your promotion comes from The Lord and He has settled it.

Do not worry about the doctor’s report, God has healed you. You will live in perfect health and bliss.

Do not worry about the loss, for God has restored, even better.

Do not worry about the darkness in the world, for you are exempted.

Do not worry about declines, for you it always gets better.

Do not worry about getting into trouble for God will always protect you and if you are already in trouble, do not worry for God is getting you out of that trouble now.

Do not worry, for God loves you so so much.

Do not worry, for God is with you now and always.

Do not worry, you will complete the project that you started.

Do not worry, you will surely carry your miracle in your hands.

Do not worry, for God will never leave you nor forsake you.

Do not worry, your business is prospering greatly.

Do not worry, God has answered your prayers.

Do not worry, the glorious manifestations are happening for you.

Do no worry, God has done it for you.

Do not worry, God has settled it for you.

Whatever it is, do not worry, for The Lord has arisen upon you and His glory is now visible upon you.


Believe this and Say this out loud:

Thank you Lord Jesus for settling all that concerns me.

Thank you Father for loving me so much and for blessing me so much.

Thank you Holy Spirit for helping me in all aspects of my life.

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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