The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional
Author: Prophet Cosmas Inyang
Beautiful Bible Verse:
Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens and I will give you rest.
Mathew 11:28 (ISV)
You may be in a situation right now that might make you think if God really cares or if He answers prayers.
You may have prayed for so long but it looks as if nothing has changed,
You may have even fasted and added giving to it and looking at the situation nothing has changed,
You may have reached out for help but no response,
And you roll at night and no sleep,
Then your heads ache and your blood pressure spikes,
And you begin to lose focus, confidence and glow.
You have done all that you can and tried all that you can,
And now you maybe contemplating giving up,
Maybe not even seeing the reason to continue living.
Your self worth has been crushed and you’ve lost your voice.
Hey, I bring you a word from my Lord and Master,
I bring you a word from the ultimate Life changer,
I bring you a word from the Life Arranger and The Life giver,
I bring you a word from The One that turns around hopeless situations.
His name is The Lord Jesus Christ.
He says to you COME,
Don’t cry again, don’t worry again just COME.
Close your eyes and just say 7 times, LORD JESUS I COME TO YOU.
Now you have done your part, He will do His part.
He said, when you come, He will give you REST.
I think this means he will solve the problems so that you can rest, because how do you truly rest when the problems are still there.
The Lord Jesus keeps His words Always. REST has come to you.
In situations that require help from people, He will give you favor and use people to help you.
He said COME,
If you responded, be at peace, He will do it.
That issue has been settled.
The help that you need has come.
The shame has been wiped off.
The sleepless nights have ended.
The money has come.
Whatever it is, The Lord Jesus has done it for you.
I have come to you Lord Jesus,
Thank you for solving all the issues I had and thank you for giving me rest.
In the name of The Lord Jesus the affliction will not arise again.