Beautiful Bible Verse:

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Mark 11:24 (NIV Bible)


To believe is to accept that something is true, especially without proof.

To believe is to accept, think, talk and deeply feel and acknowledge that something is true, without a tangible or physical evidence or proof.


To believe that you have received a particular thing, is to accept that the thing is now in your possession.

It is to also think continually that the thing is now in your possession.

It is to deeply feel continually that the thing is now in your possession.


Note that you do not expect to receive whatever is already in your possession.

For example if you order for a bag and you have received the bag,

You will no longer be expecting to receive the bag because you have already received the bag,  instead you will be happy that you have your bag in your possession.

If I ask you, did you receive the bag you ordered for, you will immediately say yes with joy, and you may start telling me how much you like the bag.


The Lord Jesus says in Mark 11 verse 24, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it.

This means that whatever you ask for in prayer, accept at that moment without any physical proof, that you now have it already.

Think that you now have it already.

Feel like you now have it already.

Act like you now have it already.

Talk like you now have it already.


Hear what The Lord Jesus says again in Mark chapter 11 verse 24, therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


As you believe that you have received, there would be a physical manifestation.

You believe first, and then you will see the physical manifestation.

Note, The Lord Jesus did not say, after you see the physical manifestation then you believe.

You are to believe first.


To seek to see physical manifestation first before believing is to doubt.

Doubting leads to drowning in life.

He that doubts can not fully enjoy all from God and may not fully see certain manifestations.


Make up your mind today to believe.

If you say you believe, why are you still thinking fear.

If you say you believe, why are you still worrying.

If you say you believe, why looking out in worrying expectations.

With what The Holy Spirit has revealed to you now, check and ask yourself, have I really been believing?


Make up your mind to believe from this moment.

Remember, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


Say This Out Many Times:

I choose to believe.

I have decided to believe.

From now on, I shall believe.

Yes I believe.


Prophetic Word For You:

Pray now and ask God for what you desire. Your Answers will come quickly.

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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