Beautiful Bible Verse:

He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to His Name.

Psalm 23:3 (NLT Bible)


Did you know that one of the things The Holy Spirit in you is to do for you is to guide you?

Did you know that there are paths that God has already planned for you in this life? And The Holy Spirit knows the paths.


The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 14 verse 12, that there is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him, But it ends in the way of death.


Before each person are paths, some are Divine paths and some are paths that lead to destruction.

Therefore Decisions and Choices are very important and it is at this point that one should really really depend on The Holy Spirit.


In Genesis chapter 13 verse 10, Lot the relative of Abraham was to make a choice of where to live. He looked around and saw a well watered land, that was like the garden of The Lord, so Lot chose for himself that land. The Land he chose was the Sodom and Gomorrah that was later destroyed.


The best position in life is the position where you say, Lord not my will but your will.

Allow The Holy Spirit to guide you.

And to allow The Holy Spirit to guide you, you have to let go and submit fully to His guidance.


Listen, God does not move at your guidance and directives, you are the one to move at God’s guidance and directives.

For example, if you say God I want you to go along way A, that means you are the one choosing the way for God,  in this case can you really say God is leading you?


Another important thing you have to know is that you should not TIME God. Instead of fixing Time for God, walk with God’s Time and be at peace.

Walk with God’s Time and trust that His Time is the best for you.


God is never late.

God loves you so much and His plans for you are good.

Be at peace and let God lead you one step at a time.

Be patient, rest and let The Holy Spirit guide you.


Do not regret, do not complain, God does not like this.

In all things, give thanks unto God and submit to the guidance of The Holy Spirit.


When it seems like God is not talking, be still, be at peace.

When it seems like God is not moving for you, go and rest.

Know that you can never force God to talk. He is not a man, He is GOD.


Remember, when Lazarus was sick, they expected The Lord Jesus to show up, but He did not.

And eventually, Lazarus died and was buried.

4 days after, The Lord Jesus showed up and resurrected Lazarus.

We must learn to trust God’s Time.

Be at peace and allow The Holy Spirit to guide you in all aspects of your life.


Say This Out Loud Many Times:

I submit now fully to the day to day total guidance of The Holy Spirit in all aspects of my life.


Prophetic Blessing For You:

In The Name of The Lord Jesus, I bless you: you will not go in the way that will make you end up in shame. God will guide you from this day to go in the way of honour, peace, joy and enjoyment.



Declare this 21 Times, every one hour from morning till you go to bed at night.

In the name of The Lord Jesus, all through 2024, I shall be totally guided by The Holy Spirit in all aspects of my life.

In 2024 I shall walk only in the paths that God has planned for me.

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But Jesus replied, It is written and forever remains written, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Mathew 4:4 (Amplified) 

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